I have been thinking a lot lately about what I would like to do when I graduate. I know it is still a ways off, but the more I think about it, the more I don't think I want to stay in the emergency room and I probably won't even stay at the Joe.
The main reason I don't want to stay is because of the drive. I might still consider it if they offered me a position, so I am definitely not closing that door-I am just thinking how nice it would be to work at Herrick or Bigsby and be no more than 20 minutes to work.
The other thing is what type of nursing I want to do. I have thought about getting experience with floor nursing. I have also thought about oncology or hospice, labor and delivery or ICU. Of course staying in the ER is always a possibility, too. Having worked there for three and a half years now, I know the basics of how the place runs. I think I would be good at hospice, even though parts of it would surely be difficult. I have thought about oncology because I think I have an irrational fear of cancer and one of the ways to overcome a fear is to learn everything you can about it. That would certainly be one way of tackling the learning aspect of the thing! ICU experience would be good because it often helps if you want to further your education more quickly. Good old floor nursing would be a great way for me to get some experience under my belt, it is just that I am not sure can go from a very fast-paced ER to the same old same old daily grind of the floor.
Who knows...it sure is a lot to think about. I guess the good thing is I have a year and a half to think about it. At that point, maybe a decision will come a little easier. I guess we shall see.
Keep in mind too that it's nice to have so many options. Once I finish my education degree there will only be about three possible paths for me to take and that's if there are jobs in any of them! No matter what you end up doing I know you're going to make a fabulous nurse someday!!
Hi Holly:
I remember you grandmother working many years as a floor nurse in Springfield. As far as I know she worked on either the Surgical Ward or the general care ward on the second and third floors.
She mentioned that she would have like to complete her RN, she only got certified to the LPN level. With her experience and ability she was often doing RN work, but not getting paid for it.
It is great that you will soon have your course work complete and be taking your RN Exam. I know that you will do well and that you will be a "World Class" Nurse.
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